Share class: The Edinburgh Investment Trust plc

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A1192,708,734140,454,359 ( 72.88 %) 47,167,709 ( 24.48 %) 72.88 %

Major shareholders: The Edinburgh Investment Trust plc

Rathbones Investment Management Ltd.
7.716 %
11,260,418 7.716 % 105 M p
City of London Investment Management Co. Ltd.
3.796 %
5,540,319 3.796 % 52 M p
Hargreaves Lansdown Asset Management Ltd.
3.776 %
5,511,000 3.776 % 51 M p
1607 Capital Partners LLC
1.872 %
2,732,380 1.872 % 25 M p
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd.
1.527 %
2,228,305 1.527 % 21 M p
Brewin Dolphin Ltd.
1.146 %
1,672,000 1.146 % 16 M p
HSBC Global Asset Management (UK) Ltd.
1.142 %
1,667,000 1.142 % 16 M p
Butterfield Bank (Guernsey) Ltd.
1.139 %
1,662,238 1.139 % 15 M p
Investec Wealth & Investment Ltd.
1.113 %
1,624,000 1.113 % 15 M p
J. M. Finn & Co. Ltd.
1.075 %
1,569,000 1.075 % 15 M p
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Breakdown by shareholder type


Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

United Kingdom 30.85%
United States 4.39%
Switzerland 1.07%
France 0.07%
Individuals 0.05%
Singapore 0.02%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo The Edinburgh Investment Trust plc
The Edinburgh Investment Trust plc is a United Kingdom-based investment trust. The Company's investment objective is to invest primarily in United Kingdom (UK) securities with the long-term objective of achieving an increase of the net asset value per share in excess of the growth in the Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) All-Share Index, and growth in dividends per share in excess of the rate of UK inflation. The Company invests in companies quoted on a recognized stock exchange in the UK. The Company may also invest up to 20% of the portfolio in securities listed on stock exchanges outside the UK. The portfolio is selected on the basis of assessment of fundamental value of individual securities and is not structured on the basis of industry weightings. It invests in various sectors, including industrial engineering, industrial support services, retailers, media, banks, and pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. Its alternative investment fund manager is Liontrust Fund Partners LLP.
More about the company